Thursday 19 July 2007

Talk about being MIA

Man, have I been out of action or what? I mean, my Friendster is like totally un-updated. I even forgot I had one. With my mind (what mind?) caught up in so many stuff, I can't even remember to check my mail, my Friendster, even my mailbox (the physical one that comes attached to a house). Speaking of which, I think there was an Astro bill inside. Shit, I better pay it before my Astro gets cut.. for the third time.

Yes, yes, yes, my cousins, I do hear your screams of "Where's our pictures??!! Give us the pictures nooooowwwwww, or suffer the consequences!!" Once I get my head straight (when does that ever happen?), I'll send them to you, as usual, through your Friendster. Just hope some of you remember to make some room in your Friendster album. I think I also have pictures for my high-school buddies. Maybe I should deform the pictures first before I send them, muahahahahhaha!!! Add Jean's head to a little penguin body, attach some flies buzzing around Ah Si, some feathered handcuffs to Joon.... urkk.. let go.. of.. my.. neck.. pls.. fine, no modifications. :(

Anyway, if you did mail me or msg me or whatever, give me a nudge once in a while to make sure (1) I'm still alive, (2) that I reply you, (3) hmmm, is there a 3?

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