Friday 16 May 2008

Cotton Words

          Has anyone realized the latest trend in t-shirts around KL nowadays? Think reeeeaaaaaalllllly hard. No idea? Well, does Little Miss Naughty or Little Miss Curious ring a bell? No? Walk around the Curve fleamarket during the weekends and you'll see what I mean.

          When I was growing up, there was this book series entitled Mr Men and Little Miss. Each title in the series told a story about a particular character, such as Little Miss Chatterbox who talks and talks, or Mr Greedy who just eats and eats (visit or for more info). Well, they seem to be making quite a comeback recently, what with Kinokuniya selling the books and t-shirt vendors importing the character t-shirts (RM29 each at Curve fleamarket). Apparently, in Singapore, the Mr Men trend has been going on for quite some time and Malaysia is just only experiencing the craze. The thing is, the series is called Mr Men and Little Miss, but I've only seen Little Miss t-shirts. I even asked the vendors for Mr Men t-shirts but they say, "Don't have". Is it 'don't have' or 'takkan laku so tak ambik' (won't sell so won't take)? Face it, would you really see a guy wear a character t-shirt like Mr Tickle or Mr Clumsy? Hahahhaha!!!

          Another trend among t-shirt wearers is the most sought-after 'Couple' t-shirts. You know those types: 2 t-shirts to be worn together by the boyfriend and girlfriend, such as the popular 'I Love My Boyfriend, I Love My Girlfriend' and 'Romeo, Juliet' (all can be found at Curve fleamarket).

          For those who are single or unromantic, there are other wordings, such as 'Tell me why I need a boyfriend', 'Fat people are harder to kidnap' and 'I only look innocent'.

          T-shirts with words are getting more and more popular nowadays since they are one way to convey your personal message to the world without opening your mouth. Or, for the vain people, they simply attract attention.

          But how come most wordings on t-shirts don't follow our current affairs? I mean, yeah, there's the usual 'Peace to the World' and 'Say no to War'. But what about socially? If there are t-shirts to say 'I love my boyfriend' for faithful girlfriends, why not have a naughty one for players, like:-

                      Love-Affairs copy

          Or how about one for the 'threesome':-

      3-way affair copy

          Another t-shirt craze is the film t-shirts. This is so obvious. Wait for a major movie to come out and you'll see tons of its t-shirts (real or fake) bombarding the market. Take Transformers for example. There's a story of one guy who printed the Transformers t-shirts at a cheap price and sold them at a killing figure on e-bay. Damn!! Should have thought of that. I wonder if Ironman has any t-shirts?

          We need some sort of movie and major event t-shirts too. Like, maybe before the election, we could have t-shirts like:-


          Just kidding. But I'm sure someone out there will buy it if the t-shirt actually exists.

          Just wait for, oh, maybe another week, and you'll start seeing Indiana Jones t-shirts out in the market (if they're not already out there). Oh, and if you wait for a while, I'm pretty certain someone in the t-shirt market will make even worse slogans than the ones I made up there. In the meantime, I'm gonna think up more weird t-shirt slogans. It's kinda fun, hehehe!!

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