Sunday, 1 January 2006

Welcome, 2006

The year 2005 has come and gone, and the birth of the new year, 2006, has arrived. I hope all of you have had a wonderful new year celebration with your loved ones. I spent my new year with my friends, who were playing mah jong, and who taught me how to play mah jong. It's addictive. Hahahah!!

For the past few new years, I did not go out to celebrate. Instead I stayed home by myself, watching TV, or playing my PS2 games or just bumming around, reading a book. So this year is abit special to me as I got to spend it with my friends. I have not been spending time with friends for the past few years ever since that incident, but I hope this new year will change that, and truth be told, I can already see the changes.

2005 has some bitter moments as well as its sweet ones for me. I lost a friend. My family found out one of the skeletons in my closet. I had mental and emotional breakdowns. Identity crisis. My dad's insistence and pressure on pushing my step-family and my family together. But 2005 is not all bad. I finally let out and laid to rest one of my biggest crush. I re-newed my friendships with my high school friends. I finally managed to go on a trip with some of my friends. I took a big step and went into a world so unknown to me. My mom and I have somewhat improved our relationship. I became the aunt to the most adorable baby in the world. I am the proud owner of the best vehicle in Malaysia (in my opinion). And these are just the ones at the top of my head.

In 2006, I hope to achieve many things, many dreams, many solutions. I hope to be braver and stronger in both heart and mind. I hope to be able to work toward my dream. I hope to settle certain complications I have been facing. But most of all, I hope to always be close to my loved ones, family and friends, and to love and be loved by them. And I hope that God will keep my family and friends healthy and safe always.

Happy New Year and may the new year bring you prosperity, health and happiness.