As I sit here, in my room, late in the night, I start to think about the recent happenings going around me. A couple of people close and dear to me are sad at the moment and it breaks my heart to see them go through a difficult time in their relationships.
Human relationships are never easy. It's because humans are so complex with different brain waves, numerous emotions and unexpected behaviours. We are filled with stubbornness, egos and strong-headed-ness. We are so focused on our own emotions and our own selfs that it blinds us from other matters. If we were to take all those things away, it would, perhaps, make relationships so much more smoother, so much more clearer. And yet, if we take all those things away, it wouldn't make us human anymore.
I have went through many relationships, some I am not proud of. I remember the few times when I threw my self-respect away and begged for my ex to work things out with me, to give our relationship another chance. turned out to be a bad idea.
What I'm about to say next may seem harsh. It may seem stupid and egotistical to some people. It might make sense to others and it might offend the rest. But this is what I learnt from experience.
Communication is one of the main keys in sustaining a relationship. If one party, or both, do not open up, how will the relationship move forward? Many times, relationships break down because of failure to communicate. Failure to express how you feel, what's going on, what you like and dislike. You might think keeping it to yourself will help matters, but let's face it, you know deep down in your heart, you keep it to yourself because you're afraid. It could be you're afraid of confrontations, afraid to let your real self show, afraid that your partner will not love you anymore, afraid that you will argue more. It's fear.
But then, if you do communicate, it's pointless to shout, throw tantrums or go off in a huff after you made your points. Communication is talking things over with a clear and logical mind. If you start shouting, you won't hear what the other person is trying to say. Both parties have something valid to say, their own opinions, their own perceptions. Also, there's no point communicating when the only things to come out from your mouth are hurtful, illogical and sarcastic remarks. We have countless brain cells, let's use them to our best advantage.
I strongly believe that if my partner doesn't want me anymore, there's no reason for me to stay. It's just like how my former boss didn't appreciate me and treated me like some worthless person, so I packed up and left. My life is too short to stay with someone who doesn't want me around. Yeah, you might feel that you were used and that leaving the person will give him satisfaction.
But think of it this way.
It's stronger of you to leave than to stay because leaving something safe and venturing into the unknown future is harder and riskier. You might want revenge over him/her because of the way he/she treated you but the best revenge is to have a happy life of your own. Let God take care of those who hurt you because what He has in store for them is worse than anything you can possibly do to hurt them. I have seen this happen many times and that is why I strongly believe in karma.
I believe that some things are blessings in disguise. I believe that things do happen for a reason. And I believe that, no matter how unfair life is, no matter how much you disagree and hate what happens, God put you through this for a reason. It could be that it would make you stronger or it could be that He thinks there are better things in store for you. But no matter what He puts in your path, remember what Kelly Clarkson said, "God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress."
To my loved ones, your family and friends will be there for you through this hard time so don't hide yourself in a corner or a locked room. We will get through this together. With lots of hugs, kisses and love. :heart: