As I sit here, reading the newspaper (a very rare occurrence), I noticed something slightly disturbing. I have started to take note of the names of accident victims.
I don't think anyone, including me, would ever like to find out that someone you know has died in an accident (or worse, murdered!) in the papers. I still remember the few times I've seen names I recognized in the papers and trust me, it's not a good feeling. Chills crept up from my toes to my head as I realized exactly what I was reading and I had to keep the fact that "No, it's not a story" constantly through my mind.
Perhaps that is among one of the many reasons why I don't really like reading the newspapers. Everyday, without fail, there is always rape, murder, killings, corruption, etc. slotted in with all the happy news of weddings, births, election winnings, etc. It's like having my emotions put through the wringer, going "Awwww!!" at the latest pet story or smiling at a new scientific discovery only to flip to the next page and frown in disbelief at the new drugs hitting the younger generation or swearing angrily at some injustice done to someone. Sigh, it's only 10am in the morning and I'm already emotionally tired. :-((
Yeah, yeah, this is reality. This is the real world, get with it, girl, but still.....don't you wish there was one day, just one single day, when nobody is being hurt or abused in any way? Just a thought.