Tuesday 29 August 2006

Talking Mouths

After looking into things a little bit, I found out something interesting. Some people have been taking information on me, and what they could find from my Friendster, and have been handing these information down until they reached RM's ears. And I found out even further that these 'talking mouths' are actually on my Friendster list!!

One word of advice to you: shut up!! I have never, and I won't, hide the fact that I hate RM for everything he has done to me and my friends. And I hate the fact that you and your neverending-need for gossip actually gave this guy ammunition to be used against me. And to think that I actually considered you a friend!!

Karma goes in a circle. I don't have to look for you, I don't even have to talk to you or confront you. All I have to do is wait for fate to do its job. Karma found RM, you think it won't find you? Think about it the next time you feel like 'talking'.

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