Friday 4 January 2008

Innocence Lost... or Curious?

About a month ago, my 15-year old cousin asked me about sex.

Inwardly, this was what I was feeling: 'What??????!!!!!?????!!!!!!'

How do you respond to that? When she asked me that, I felt like a parent who was dreading telling their kid about the 'birds and the bees' (why do they call it that anyway? do birds and bees mate with each other?). But outwardly I had to keep a cool face.

But it struck me how fast kids grow up nowadays. I still remember when I first went into college, I saw a group of young girls (they couldn't be more than 15), and they were lepaking at the old wing of 1U, smoking away!! Now I'm hearing from my own cousin's mouth that one of her classmate (also 15) got pregnant and most of her classmates are no longer virgins!! They're not even 16 yet (legal age in US)!! And here's my cousin asking me about sex. (>o<) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What was even scary was when she asked 'What if you find out one of your cousins is not a virgin anymore?' What does that mean???!!! Is that a hint?? Is she trying to say something?? What, what, WHAT??!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hehehehe!!! Actually I'm just exaggerating. Yes, she did ask me about sex and while I was surprised, I decided that she's old enough to know.... a few (tiny, miniscule) things, not in details though. No way, no how.

The older generation believes that our youngsters are out of control. They blame it on everyone, from parents to teachers to society and to the children's peers. I believe that the people around our youngs are actively involved in their upbringing and development but I also believe that the children themselves play a part in the choices they make. They are curious, of course, about how the world is, about every new thing they come across. But the difference lies in them weighing the pros and cons, and knowing what they are getting themselves into.

I'm just thankful that my cousin questions things before she does anything, and I'm especially thankful that she chose to ask me instead of her young friends. This way I can keep an eye on her and her activities.

Ugh, now I'm wondering what other questions I have to face as she goes through her high school.. not to mention college. Groan!!

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