Wednesday, 2 November 2005

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Mulia
Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Kepada semua keluargaku dan sahabatku yang beragama Islam, saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, dan maafkanlah zahir dan batinku. Semoga anda semua sihat selalu dan semoga kehidupan anda penuh dengan cukup sukacita untuk berhidup gembira dan cukup dukacita untuk mengingati kemanusiaanmu. Berayalah dengan sepuas-puas hatimu tetapi janganlah keterlaluan sehingga makan tidak boleh bergerak.

Kepada rakan-rakanku dan saudaraku yang berada di luar negara (Alisa) pada masa ini, kami sentiasa mengingatimu pada hari yang mulia ini. Janganlah bersedih sebab tidak berada dengan keluarga tetapi nikmatilah peristiwa perayaan ini di negara lain. Ingatlah bahawa Raya bukannya boleh disambut pada Hari Raya Aidilfitri sahaja sebab setiap hari kami bersamamu adalah Hari Raya yang mulia. Jagailah dirimu sehingga kami bertemu kembali. Sekali lagi, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Apples & Oranges

Ok, this entry might make no sense whatsoever, but just bear with me, alrite? Warning: mindless babbling is inevitable. If you can't take the nonsense, you are welcome to stop reading.

Picture this scenario. Let's say there are two fruits; an apple and an orange. And let's say you're holding an apple, which you love and have always eaten, but you also want the orange, which you really like but rarely get the chance to eat. You have only one choice and can only pick one fruit. Which would you pick? Would you put the apple down and take the orange? Or would you stick with your apple?

Depending on the person (personality, way of thinking, mindset, etc), he/she would pick either the apple or the orange. Someone who dislikes change would stick with the apple 'coz it's comforting and familiar. Someone who likes to have a change of taste would pick up the orange instead 'coz it's different from the norm and something that he/she rarely gets. But this scenario is not mind-boggling or life-changing. I mean, you can always buy the apple or the orange today and come back the next day to get the other fruit. No big deal.

But let's say that there is only one apple and one orange left in the whole wide world, and you have only enough money to get one fruit. Which would you pick? Would you take the apple, which you love, because you want keep it with you forever and ever ('coz it's the last apple in the world)? Or would you take the orange, which you really like, because you rarely get it and you really want to eat it? Or would you buy one fruit and slip the other into your pocket?

Common sense would tell you to pick the apple 'coz you love it. Being the only and last one in the world and something dear to you, you would want to keep it with you forever. But common sense would also tell you to pick the orange 'coz you really like it and want to taste it. Being the only and last one in the world and something rare to you, you would also want to keep it with you. So which would you pick? The apple or the orange? Me, I can't make a choice (I don't think stealing one of the fruits is 'ethical' so that's not an option) so I'll be standing there, holding the apple in my hand and trying to make a decision until someone comes alone to steal my apple or take the orange, or both, away.

Saturday, 8 October 2005

Old Friends

It is always nice to re-establish friendships that you once thought were lost. Of course, it's nice to re-establish them if the friendships weren't shattered by backstabbing, rumours, jealousy, and the like. I guess I should be thankful, no, scratch that, I am thankful that I had the chance to become reacquainted with some friends that I thought I would not see again.

Seriously, I thought I was doomed to be 'friendless' for the rest of my life. It doesn't help your self-esteem after going through two boycotts and one best-friend-turned-backstabber (okay, I might be exaggerating on the backstabbing part but I don't know what other words to use). You tend to think that there's something seriously wrong with you when so many people just reject your presence from their life. But it's nice to know that there are still some people out there, aside from my family, who sincerely wants my company.

I admit sometimes I feel scared, cautious actually, of those who re-established their friendships with me. I tend to think, 'What do they want from me now?' or 'What are they planning?' A defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt again, I guess. It takes a while to acknowledge and accept the fact that they want to be friends with me without any strings attached. I sound like an old scrooge, ahahhahah!!!

But I am happy. Just one phone call from an old friend was enough to keep me in a happy mood throughout the night. Just a short night out with an old friend was enough to remind me what I had been missing. Just an SMS from an old friend was enough to tell me that I do have friends who accept me as I am.

Thursday, 21 July 2005


I don't particularly like having my private thoughts and opinions read by people I know or who know me. I like the anonymity to be able to write freely and without worrying whether I'll offend anyone or say something wrong. Humans are sensitive and cunning beings; whatever I write or say might offend the people I know, or be misunderstood, or be used against me, and I find it, to put it mildly, annoying. But that's what makes us humans. Nothing can change that.

Thus, I hope you understand where I'm coming from. It's nothing personal. It's more of a safety-catch. :) I blog elsewhere so if you find me, you're welcome to read it. Mayhaps I will use this blog sometimes, if I feel like it. In the meantime, please have a wonderful life and do take care.