Saturday, 8 October 2005

Old Friends

It is always nice to re-establish friendships that you once thought were lost. Of course, it's nice to re-establish them if the friendships weren't shattered by backstabbing, rumours, jealousy, and the like. I guess I should be thankful, no, scratch that, I am thankful that I had the chance to become reacquainted with some friends that I thought I would not see again.

Seriously, I thought I was doomed to be 'friendless' for the rest of my life. It doesn't help your self-esteem after going through two boycotts and one best-friend-turned-backstabber (okay, I might be exaggerating on the backstabbing part but I don't know what other words to use). You tend to think that there's something seriously wrong with you when so many people just reject your presence from their life. But it's nice to know that there are still some people out there, aside from my family, who sincerely wants my company.

I admit sometimes I feel scared, cautious actually, of those who re-established their friendships with me. I tend to think, 'What do they want from me now?' or 'What are they planning?' A defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt again, I guess. It takes a while to acknowledge and accept the fact that they want to be friends with me without any strings attached. I sound like an old scrooge, ahahhahah!!!

But I am happy. Just one phone call from an old friend was enough to keep me in a happy mood throughout the night. Just a short night out with an old friend was enough to remind me what I had been missing. Just an SMS from an old friend was enough to tell me that I do have friends who accept me as I am.

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