Saturday, 27 October 2007

You're Actually Reading This?

Call me ignorant, call me weird, but until today, I never thought that people actually read my blog. Yeah, yeah, I can hear you saying, 'But, Aslina, your blog is public. Of course people will read it if they see it'. But I never thought that my blog is interesting enough to make people want to spend time to wade through it. I mean, it's all just babble and personal opinions, experiences and stuff. It's not like I'm writing a new theory on galactic time-travelling, or how pink socks go so well with white shoes, or Britney Spears's latest weird antics.

I used to keep diaries which I write in whenever I have something sad, happy or special to relate. But with technology, blogging was born and I converted from written paper to typed webpage. However, the major difference in my diary and my blog is the content. My diary is more of a personal day-to-day happenings while my blogs are more on my thoughts of life, hence the title 'A Malaysian Life'.

When I first discovered blogging and how people from everywhere can gain access to it, I decided to blog only on general not-likely-to-get-trashed issues, and I decided to do it all anonymously (I had a blog elsewhere using a nickname). Why? Because people tend to misunderstand or misconstrue what is written and they tend to use the written word against the writer (just because it's black and white), which usually ensues a giant fight later on (and in some cases, legal proceedings). But now, I decided 'What the heck?'. In this age and time where people say whatever whenever, I might as well practice my so-called freedom of speech. My logic is if people can say hurtful things to my face, then I can write hurtful things to their webpages. That doesn't make much sense, I know, but then again, when do I make actual sense? Hehe.

But thanks all the same for reading. I know you receive e-mails from Friendster whenever someone updates their blog, but for you to actually click the blog link and read the entry from start to finish is not something everyone would do. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I did read your blog. Even if I don't leave a comment sometimes, I connect with these people in a matter of having to write similar feelings. Blogging is mainly a time for yourself to write and others can relate to you when they read what you feel. Keep blogging, there's always something to talk about. :)
