I know that unlike many blogs out there in cyberspace, I am perhaps one of the few that has not mentioned the astrocity that has been happening in Palestine. Don't get me wrong, I am not a supporter of any war, regardless whether it's on a particular nation, religion or race. Though I am aware of it, I have not mentioned it because the thought of it is simply too distressing. A huge number of people in my country are discussing the unnecesary war vehemently and it has become a daily conversation, so much so that listening to the latest war news automatically boils my blood.
We in Malaysia have started collecting donations and money in hopes of helping the wounded and the homeless in Palestine, only to discover that an aid ship from Iran was forced to detour to Egypt after being intercepted by Israeli Navy. While the donations are still increasing, it is unsure when we can send them out to Gaza. Many others have staged protests against the war and one group in particular has started an aggressive campaign of public awareness.
It was in Mid Valley Mega Mall when I discovered this group of uniformly-dressed youths, handing out leaflets to every single person to pass their way. Called C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E, this group is a coalition of Malaysian NGOs against the persecution of Palestinians, whose tagline is 'Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction'. You can find more information on them at www.completemalaysia.blogspot.com. The pamphlets they hand out may not look like much but intense research and details are written in it and they encourage you to read it to the end before you chuck it away into a wastebin.
The one paragraph that caught my attention and stopped me from throwing the pamphlet away was a quote from a Christian clergyman in Nazi Germany, which I'm sure many of you have heard before.
"First they came for the Communists; I was not a Communist so I did not protest. Then they came for the trade unionists; I was not a trade unionist so I did not protest. Then they came for the Jews; I was not a Jew, so I did not protest. And then they came for me and there was no one left to protest."
Just because the war does not involve your nation, your religion, your race or your belief, that does not mean it is right. We are a civilized world. We, unlike other creatures and beings of this world, have been given brains to think, to improve, to progress.
I will not say who is wrong and who is right. Both countries have their own stories, their own opinions. To argue over who started it first is a waste of time better used to start peace talks and compromisation. But I will say this; war is wrong. To hurt someone when you can reach a negotiation is wrong. God was the one who put us on this Earth so we ALL have equal rights to this world. It is my personal opinion that this world is heading into chaos what with selfishness and violence abundantly thrown into our faces at every turn. It is also my personal opinion that though we still have many things to be thankful for and many people who still strive to make the world a better place for all of us to live in, we do not appreciate them at all. We have shown that we should no longer be referred to as a supreme race; we are in fact even lower than the slugs in the earth.
Many believe the Palestine-Israel war to be a war between religions. Religion should NOT be a matter for war. If you protest against the war, don't go around saying, "The Muslims are right so as Muslims, we will join them" or "The Jews have a right to attack." This is about basic human rights, HUMAN. Protest the war with the reason that no one, especially the innocent, should suffer. At the end of the day, strip off your skin, your colour, your beliefs, your brain, and you are all the same. You all have two hands, two feet, two eyes, one nose, one mouth. You all feel pain, sorrow, happiness. You all cry and laugh. Isn't it enough that we are of the same species and live in the same world to find some common ground?
Pray the war ends soon and pray for the innocent lives that were sacrificed for we have now destroyed part of the earth and have killed those who, perhaps, might have made a major difference in our world had they been alive longer.