Tuesday 14 April 2009

A Uni Story

Okie, enough with the serious posts for now. It's time to look at the funnier side of life with a story I remember from my university days in Perth, Australia.

You know how it's wrong to drink and drive? Well, you might get away with it in Malaysia but in Perth, the policemen are much more dutiful and are not at all susceptible to bribes.

Anyway, a group of guys decided to grab a bite to eat at a nearby burger joint in the wee hours of the morning. They had been up all night drinking and were all totally sloshed over. However, even in their drunken state, they still managed to think about their safety (and the huge fine for drinking-and-driving), and so they appointed the least drunk guy to drive.

Since it was very early in the morning (or very late at night, whichever you please), only the drive-through was opened. Just as they reached the burger joint, one of them, who had been staring out the window in a hazy daze, saw a police patrol car parked right beside the drive-through. They stopped the car, fearing that the police might pull them over. Some of them thought maybe it was best to just turn around and go elsewhere but the others were too hungry. And so, they came up with a clever plan.

One by one, a car would pull up to the drive-through, order and drive off. In the middle of the lined-up cars was a lone man, waiting patiently for his turn at the drive-through counter and nonchalantly walking up to place his order. The counter guy and the police must have been used to such weird sights in Perth for they didn't even bat an eye.

Grabbing the take-out bags, the guy made his way back to his companions where they ate in the car until they were sure one of them was sober enough to drive them all back to their student housing.

Not bad for a group of drunken guys. It proves that your brain still functions even though it's intoxicated by alcohol, or maybe the alcohol actually helps. 8)

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