Friday 17 April 2009

Why I Continue Writing

"You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

What is it about that blank piece of paper that calls out to me? What is it that makes my heart lift in an unexplained emotion whenever I pick up a new notebook? What is it that fuels my creative fire whenever I open up the Microsoft Word?

For most creative writers, we can find inspiration and stories no matter where we are. Sitting in a cafe, we can glance up, catch someone rushing somewhere and come up with a storyline. For some, the pitter-patter of rain can stir up an emotion which we transform and convey into a piece of writing. Even relaxing in bed, a simple thought can stimulate the creative juices and mold the starting of a plot.

I noticed that I don't write as much creative writing as I used to. I remember my brain being filled with dozens of stories itching to escape my brain, through my fingers and onto my ever-ready notebook. There were times when I lost stories that were important to me and it felt as though I have lost a wonderful friend, blown away by the forgetful wind before I could grab onto the trailing tendrils.

There are times when I feel disheartened with the world. How many times have writers heard discouragement from the people around them, telling them that creative writing is not a way to make a career? Sure, there are many needs for writers out there, but the difference in writing business articles and imaginative stories are as far apart as night and day. And so, many artistic lights die out before they can even be forged into a raging fire, all believing that it is hopeless before they even begun.

Yet...we still write.

Quietly and secretly, we rekindle the flames of our imagination, hiding its light from those who scorn us. Then, when we can no longer hold it back, we simply let go and watch as it grows bigger and brighter in the hopes that by chance, our writing will touch the hearts of those who need it, those who understand it, and those who, like us, are trying to keep our creativity alive.

I love the above quote and have often recited it to myself. Recently, however, while I still believe Fitzgerald's saying is right in a way, I also believe that we write because of both the reasons; we want to say something because we need to keep our writing hopes alive, and we have something to say because we are constantly fueled and inspired by life.

Here's hoping that creative writers and storytellers will never fade away in a world so concerned with business facts, political statements, commercial information and financial details.

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