Here it is again, the last day of yet another year when people around the world gather to countdown the hours, minutes, seconds to a new year. This is also the time when people start to make resolutions and plans for the upcoming year, when people think back to the events, occasions and incidents of the past 12 months and moan or rejoice at their individual happenings. It is a sad yet joyous time; sad because another year has gone and joyous because a whole new chapter is starting.
What was 2009 for me? Hmmm, well, at the top of my head, I can only pull out one thought; this year saw the longest time I've ever been single ever since I started dating. Hahahah, yes, I know that's a weird thing to say but I finally got a whole lot of time just for myself, without worrying about a boyfriend and the problems that are attached to having one. And my conclusion? I'm enjoying it very much and frankly, I am much happier being single than when I was in a relationship. It just goes to prove that I am independent and able to stand on my own two feet without a man. ;-)
Anyway, 2009 was pretty much quite calm for me personally, aside from a break-up, a public love confession on my Facebook from a salesman and some minor drama here and there, but it was somewhat of a hell for some of the people close to me. Two of my best girls have had their hearts broken, one fortunately has resolved the matter while one is still being tortured almost on a daily basis by a stupid guy. I hope that the new year will be much better in terms of relationship for her. :kissing:
But it wasn't all bad for love in 2009. Many of my friends got married and another one of my best girls was proposed underwater, sooooo romantic!! :heart:
Although some people may think of me as wasting my time and life this past year, I really do think that I am much happier and calmer than I've been in a long time and to me, that's all that matters. My family has my back and if my mom, dad and brother are not complaining about what I'm doing then other people's opinions do not matter with me. And besides, I'm not borrowing any money from people to live (I have my own) so why should they care? :talktothehand:
But I think my biggest break-through for this year was the whole change of appearance. Gone is the long hair that has been hounding me since I started school, hello to a new short, and my cousins said sexy, haircut. Ever since I cut my hair, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm more carefree, happy and light. :-)) Also I noticed I have more energy since I maintained my jogging routine and even managed to increase the number of rounds that I jog. I feel better these past few months and hope to maintain it in the next year.
Of course, with every year, there are windows of opportunities opening and also opportunities missed. My brother and I almost bought over a business, and although it was sad to let the chance go willingly, I guess after thinking about it intensely, that opportunity just wasn't for us.
What's in store for 2010? Well, looking at my calendar now, there are alot of weddings to attend as my best girls are getting married!!! :party: And I foresee pregnancies and babies next year too ;-). For me, I'll be traveling alot, one agenda on my list is the climb up Mt. Kinabalu. I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to climb all the way to the top!! :shout: Also, hopefully, the planned trip to Redang is on because I miss the island so much. Other than that, we'll see how the year goes. I'm back to my 'go with the flow' motto. :giggle:
So, with the new year, there's usually a New Year's resolution, right? Well, the past two years, my resolution was to take as many pictures as possible, which I have done, but this new year, I need to better myself in some way so I figured out what bugged me the most this year, which was doing favours for unappreciative people. So my New Year's resolution for 2010 is to try and stop doing favours for people who don't appreciate them or appreciate me. Trust me, there have been alot of it going on in 2009 and I've got to nip it in the butt. :reallypissed:
I hope everyone will have a safe and happy New Year celebration. Do not look back to the past but focus on the future that is coming your way. We all have alot more living to do so let's get to it!! :victory:
Happy New Year!!!
Good opinion. How did you came up like this?