I have said this many, many, MANY times both verbally and in written words; there is always a reason for the things I do.
For example, if I don't wish to communicate with a certain person, it could be because he/she may have offended me in some way or he/she has hurt one of my family members. If I refuse to visit a certain place, it could be because I have had a bad experience or service there. If I do not comment or contribute to a conversation, it could be because I do not wish to hurt anyone's feelings or risk being misinterpreted. There is always a reason behind my actions.
So, when I say "Do not talk to me about issues on race, religion and politics", there is a reason behind it.
I despise talking about racial, religion and political topics because I have seen with my own eyes, I have heard with my own ears, how these issues can break a friendship, shatter a relationship, separate family members. A husband and wife can argue and sleep in separate rooms during a political election because each supports different parties. Two friends can start arguing and debating over religion and stop talking to each other because they both have their own interpretations and beliefs. A nation can be divided into groups all up in arms and accusing each other because of racial tension, each believing the other is wrong.
I find it sad.
There's only a handful of people who I can talk these three issues with and they are my brother, my cousin (Syahrir) and my friend (Kuek). Although we all have contrasting beliefs, we are mature enough to understand that we each see things differently and yet not take that to offense, and most importantly, we know when to stop talking about it if someone is feeling slightly hot under the collar.
I would love to be as diplomatic as possible. I would love to not accuse anyone without proper proof. I would love not to pass judgment on a race, a religion, a politician. I would love not to say anything that might hurt or offend the other party. Yet, I find that regardless what I say or not say, it is never good enough. If I speak my mind and say something, it's wrong. If I do not wish to comment and don't say anything, it's wrong as well. So what do you want from me?
Another thing that frustrates me alot about these types of conversation is how I always get the short end of the stick. How come you can say whatever you want, how come you can speak your mind, but I can't? How come you can say 'I don't appreciate the comment you made' and when I retaliate by saying 'I don't appreciate the comment you made either', you get all defensive? If you don't want to listen or acknowledge other people's perspective then don't bring up the issue, simple as that. I am not the enemy so there's no point in you getting all riled up at me when all I am doing is listening to you talk about something I do not wish, never wish, to delve in and contributing to the conversation based on my own opinions.
Also, in these types of conversations, you'll be amazed at the assumption people can make about you. Just because I am of a certain race and of a certain religion in a certain country, people can actually tell me that I don't 'see' what the other races and the other religions see because my race and my religion are getting the cream of the crop. So, am I justified in saying that because you are not of a certain race and you are not of a certain religion, you don't 'see' what I see? If it can go one way, it can go the other way too.
After living all these years and hearing so many things, I have learnt not to jump to the first conclusion I arrive to. That is why some people would notice that I often say, "Maybe it's not that reason", "Mayhaps it's not what you think it is", "Perhaps it's another group causing trouble but pinning the blame on another group", "Perhaps it's better to say it in a different way." Ever thought of that? Maybe not, I guess.
Don't, please don't, assume that you know how I think, know what I see, know what I hear, know what I say, when in fact, you don't know me at all. Just because I don't say certain things or don't agree with you or don't say things you want to hear, it doesn't mean I am incapable of putting myself in other people's shoes. It doesn't mean that you're right or you're wrong. It just means that we have different opinions, different perspectives, different beliefs, because we are two different people and we each should respect the fact that we have our own views. Let's just say we agree to disagree and be done with it.
This is why I love to write. It is only here, in my post, that I am able to say what I really want to say because this is my post, my blog. Some people love to talk about these three issues. They love to point out that they're right. They love to argue non-stop and vehemently debate the other party into silence, especially about race and religion. And this is what I think (and I have mentioned this before in Silence of War): Regardless what race, religion, political party or nationality you are, '...strip off your skin, your colour, your beliefs, your brain, and you are all the same. You all have two hands, two feet, two eyes, one nose, one mouth. You all feel pain, sorrow, happiness. You all cry and laugh.' To add to that, in my humbly low opinion, at the end of the day, all these differences, all these endless racial, religion and political fighting, all these 'you're wrong, I'm right' judgments won't matter once I'm dead and buried. Because then, only God can pass judgment.
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