Sunday 14 December 2008

Internet Deprivation

As I'm typing this post, it's raining heavily outside. The sky has turned white with all the gathering rain clouds and occasionally, I can see a leaf being whipped around by the strong wind. In the background, the singing of Paramore's 'Decode' from my laptop speakers mingles with the vague sound of thunder. Most people would be curled up in a cozy corner with a mug of coffee or hot chocolate and enjoying the hypnotic rhythm of rainfall. Me, I'm taking this moment to sit down and wonder...why isn't my Internet connection stable?

Ever since this morning, my Internet has been screwing with me. When I awoke to discover that my laptop is disconnected from my network, I puzzled over this phenomenon. Shrugging, I simply restarted my router and my Mac's AirPort. To my glee, I watched as the connection went through and opened up my Facebook as I always do in the morning. Suddenly, from the top right corner, an error message popped up to inform me that I have been disconnected. And so I restarted my router and AirPort again. And again, and again, until finally I left the bloody things and went out for lunch.

Now that I've returned, I thought, "Surely by now, the Internet is stable" and clicked on my connection. Yes, I can finally go online!!! Nope, once again, my connection has thrown me out of cyberspace on my butt. It seems to get this sick joy of seeing me happy and letting me open a few pages before kicking me out and watching my face fall in misery. Damn you, unstable connection. So now, I'm simply typing into my ScribeFire and refusing to open any Firefox page until I see that the connection remains online, or I'm going to slam the router into the ground.

Yeah, you might think, "Oh, my God. This girl can't live without the Internet." Hey, I resent that. I once went a whole week without Internet...'coz I was stuck in a place with absolutely no modem or computer whatsoever.

Sigh, maybe I should pick up one of my dusty books and settle down to read until Streamyx deems me worthy again to enter cyberspace. :P

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