Thursday 16 July 2009

As I Sit Here...6

As I sit here, at Mutiara Damansara's Burger King Drive-Thru, I had a sudden thought run through my head. If we can have a drive-thru for burgers and a drive-thru for ATM (at TTDI apparently), why can't we have a drive-thru for our groceries?

I can just imagine it now (and I actually did have a short vision right at the drive-thru). I'd pull up to the window, wait for the counter-person to stick his/her head out of the window and asks me for my order.

"Hi, can I have one Gardenia loaf, a dozen eggs and a Dorina butter please?"

"We only have Nutriplus eggs. Will that be alright?"

"Yeah, that'll be fine. Oh, could you also put in a small packet of Milo please?"

"Ok, that will be RMXX.XX. Please wait a moment while I bag your items."

Yeah, yeah, I know, kind of a long daydream for someone waiting for her burger, but think about it, I think it will be a damn convenient way to buy groceries. I mean, most of the people who goes to the supermarket already know what they need to buy, they even make a list to bring with them. Can't we just hand the list over to a drive-thru grocery and not waste all the time of searching for items and ending up buying stuff that you don't need or want? Someone should check into this possibility.

I wonder if there are other industries that can have a drive-thru. Hmmmm... ?:-)

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