Friday 17 July 2009

As I Sit Here...7

*This was written in advance on Thurs 16/7/2009 at 2.52pm in anticipation of my no-Streamyx weekend in Ipoh.

As I sit here, at One Utama's Starbucks, waiting for my car to be all clean and fresh from the carwash, I can't help but think that Malaysians are a bunch of free-loaders. Yes, this post is going to hurt your feelings, especially to those who attempt to get something by giving nothing.

I sit at this Starbucks regularly. I have to because I have to wait for my nephew to finish his classes and it's a pain to go back and forth when I can just sit somewhere for a few hours to do my writing. Now because I sit here for hours and days, I have seen many types of people, and today, I see free-loaders...lots of them.

I have sat here for about 55 minutes now. At this very moment, there are three occupied tables around me on the raised platform and all three tables are people who are using Starbucks facilities without purchasing anything.

One table directly in front of me is a woman who has been charging her phone with Starbucks's power socket since even before I came. She did not purchase any drink or food. At the table right beside me, there are two girls who came and dropped their bags and started doing their homework, also without purchasing anything. The table diagonally from me is a man who is using his laptop (charged by Starbucks's power socket) and probably accessing Starbucks's internet connection. He too did not purchase anything.

Let's say that maybe Starbucks doesn't mind people coming in and using their electricity and Internet and occupying tables that paying customers should have a right to (the Starbucks employee came by to check our tables twice without saying a word to the freeloaders), but don't you think it's at least a little bit courteous of you to purchase something? I would never sit in a cafe and use their facilities without at least buying a cup of coffee. In a way, it's like paying for the convenience they provided us. But nooooo, these people just sit there, unashamed that they are actually free-loading off of other people's money.

True, Starbucks make a lot of money. True, Starbucks might overcharge their food and drinks. True, Starbucks might be owned by the powerful Berjaya Group. But that still doesn't give the public a right to think that they can leech off of them. If they can do it at Starbucks, don't think they won't do the same to other, less wealthy, less popular cafes and eateries that need every cent they can get to survive (I just lost one of my favourite cafes at the Curve that provides free Wi-Fi a few months ago).

Wake up, free-loaders, unless you want karma to come and whack you in the face by placing free-loaders in your path, leeching off your goodwill, money and property.

You know what's the funny thing I noticed? With the exception of me, every 'customer' on the raised platform are all free-loaders while every single table on the floor all have at least one cup of drink on their tables. I am ashamed to be sitting up here with them. :reallypissed:


  1. LoL! Good one. I too agree with you... if I were to use the facilities, at the very least one could do is to bloody buy a cup of coffee la kan. Nice lil piece.
    First time reader of your blog by the way. Must say I love the layout. Will definitely come back for more :)

  2. ahah, I forgot about this piece I wrote. Glad you enjoyed it. :)
