It is still Easter in Pet Society and by now, I'm sure many of the players have been scrambling around the trees in their neighbourhood to search for those shiny decor eggs and buying up the White Chocolate and Chocolate Egg Surprise from the Food Shop.
[caption id="attachment_1357" align="alignleft" width="148" caption="White Chocolate & Chocolate Egg Surprise"]
Incase you don't know what the decor eggs are, kindly refer to my previous posting at Socializing in Pet Society Part 4. As for the Egg Surprise, I only found out recently that your pet will get a prize when you feed these eggs to your pets. Apparently inside these gigantic eggs, which costs 250 coins each 8O , is a small, teeny tiny toy.
[caption id="attachment_1360" align="alignright" width="164" caption="Baby Animal Toys"]
There are only 3 of them, which are the Baby Bunny Toy, Baby Hedgehog Toy and Baby Chick Toy, and it depends on your pet's luck whether you can get all three. So far I've managed to get 2 Bunnies and 3 Hedgehogs. :( I still want that Baby Chick, or is it Baby Duck? Anyway, this might be the last week to obtain these rare toys so you better get cracking and save up as much money as you can to buy these eggs, or get one of your friends to give you any extra ones they have. :D
I finally managed to complete two of the scenery backgrounds obtained from the Toy Mystery Eggs. Here is how Deep Trouble is supposed to look with all its toy vehicles in place.
[caption id="attachment_1363" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="The fully completed Deep Trouble"]
Okie, some people have been 'googling' on what the giant squid does. Unlike the other monsters, the squid just blinks its eyes, instead of trashing around like an angry seamonster. Well, the reason it blinks its eyes frequently is because the pirate ship is shooting cannonballs at it. However, they seem to simply bounce off its body and not causing an ounce of hurt anywhere. Maybe that's why it's not reacting. Also, if you look closely when you activate the scenery, the submarine seems to be stuck and it looks like it's struggling to free itself from the squid's tentacles.
Now, here's the completed Alien Invasion. The airplane and the helicopter were the hardest to get. The F-16 Jet is the easiest to get among the four toy vehicles in this scenery. By the way, the UFO is essential to this scenery because as it turns out, the UFO is actually a part of that robot alien.
[caption id="attachment_1365" align="aligncenter" width="257" caption="The fully completed Alien Invasion"]
[caption id="attachment_1368" align="alignright" width="60" caption="Army Tank"]
As for the King Kong scenery, I still haven't completed it, but I finally saw the last piece of the toy puzzle in my pet friend's house, which is the army tank, and which is SOOO hard to get. :( But I will prevail.
[caption id="attachment_1373" align="alignleft" width="124" caption="The New Mansion"]
Has anyone noticed that Pet Society has increased the maximum level for your pets? I'm not sure what is the maximum level now (it used to be Level 34), but those who have passed the treshold of Level 34 have now transformed their house into a bigger red-roofed mansion with a current maximum of 9 rooms.
[caption id="attachment_1376" align="alignright" width="73" caption="Recycling Bin"]
There's also a new, urm, I don't know what to call it, 'stuff to do' (?). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Pet Society has put in a recycling bin into your pet's storage chest. You get points for recycling stuff you don't want or need anymore. Once you reach a certain amount of points, you will get a gift (I don't know what it is) as well as a trophy.
Well, I'm glad for anything new in Pet Society. At least I won't get bored with the same thing over and over again. Now, I need to get more coins to buy those Egg Surprises. I must have that Chick!!
Your wish is my command! :)