Tuesday 6 January 2009

Goodbye, old man 2008! Welcome, new baby 2009!

So long, father time of 2008. It's been a blast but you know how it is, out with the old, on with the new. Oh, hello, cute little baby 2009. What an adorable thing you are, filled with youth and a fresh beginning. We're gonna have so much fun, yes, we are. Ok, I know I'm talking gibberish. Could be all the partying and the high of a new year. :D

Anyway, 2008 is gone and I have to say that I'm happy and sad to reach a new year. Happy 'coz, well, hopefully the new year will bring more to life. Sad 'coz, well, it's a whole new year, the past is gone, I'm getting older (NOOOO!!!). But there's something about odd-numbered years that I just don't like, and I have no idea why. I hope the year would go well though.

2008 was a year of joy and pain for me, as I'm sure was the same for most people. Some of the miseries I faced were hurtful but they always had a silver lining behind them if I took the time to look through them.

I broke away from one relationship, which was bittersweet, but found someone else. I lost contacts with many people, which I have to say is a blessing in disguise because it helps to ease the tension I have always felt being among them. I discovered that a family member attempted to take advantage of my kindness many, many times, but I became more assertive towards this person because of it. I discovered that another family member couldn't keep their nose out of my personal life and I warned the rest of the family of this busybody so as to safeguard their own personal details from this particular person. Also, I closed my business and moved to another premise, which was a big relief.

2008 was also a year of many happiness. My young cousin got married, and in a wedding very close to what she has wished for. Another cousin has fallen in love, finally, after years of being hounded by weird (and I DO mean weird) guys. My sister-in-law gave birth to a lovely baby girl, on the 8th of August 2008 mind you, and no, it wasn't a Caesarean birth. I went to the first Formula One night race in Singapore (woohooo!!!). I managed to travel to a lot of places this year, my favourite being Pulau Tioman. And I finally got a new laptop (an Apple Mac!!! Wheee!!!).

Truth be told, I find 2009 a little bit daunting, I'm not sure why though. Actually, alot of people I talked to believe that this new year is going to be either a busy or a problematic year. I'm feeling that skittishness too, but hopefully, nothing too dramatic will happen this year. However, I have to be prepared for loads of weddings this year. There are already three weddings that I know of and it's still only the first week of the year!!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot one of the most important things. With every new year comes that dreaded question; What's your new year's resolution? Well, I'm pleased to say that I really kept my resolution last year, which was to take as many photos as possible, and the amount of photo albums I have in my Facebook is proof of that. For this year, I'm still keeping to a simple and achievable resolution and I have made up my mind to.....(drumroll).....write as much as possible. You see, I love writing, whether it's stories, fiction, a monologue, scripts or blogs. I used to write alot back in my high school and university days but I noticed that going into the business world just kills your creativity. I haven't wrote a decent writing in so long, I forgot the feeling when you get so caught up with your characters, as though you're living their life right beside them. I finally got the inspiration for a story and I hope to at least keep at it until it's done, instead of writing half-way. So good luck to me keeping my resolution and good luck to you in keeping yours.

There's another resolution I should make for this year but I am unsure if it's possible to maintain. I haven't done it for a long time back in 2008, which was quite a record given my history, and I hope that this record remains unbroken for 2009. There were times when I've forgotten that I had this habit and at times, in certain lighting when the scars can be seen, the memories of each of those scars flooded into my mind. Hopefully it's gone for good this time but I think I'll keep to only one resolution for now.

No matter what happens this year, I hope that it will be a memorable one. I know that Malaysia will face some drastic changes this new year but I'm sure the rakyat (countrymen) can handle them, with decency and logic, I pray. Let us hope for the best this year, filled with enough happiness to keep us living but with enough sorrow to keep us humble. :D


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