Saturday 17 January 2009

Weird Phone Calls

I'm sure you've been through this before; someone calls you and you tell them it's the wrong number and yet they call again and again, or some stranger starts to ask you even stranger questions. Well, I've had my fair share of weird phone calls and here's one of my weirdest calls.

A few years back, an unknown number called me in the afternoon. I answered it, thinking perhaps it's one of my friends using a new number, or something. A male voice replied my 'hello' and started asking some odd questions.

"Hello," he said, "Is this the number to call about the shop rental?"

"I'm sorry?" I answered. "I think you have the wrong number."

"But this is the number written for the rental."

"I'm not renting anything. I think you have the wrong number," I repeated.

"Well, what's the number then?"

My face started to frown. "I don't know but this isn't the number you're looking for."

"If you don't know and I don't know, then how?" he said, sounding a little annoyed.

I looked at the phone quizzically, still frowning, and finally just jabbed the 'end' button. He didn't call again, thank God.

Look, it's pretty simple. If you're calling for something and the person on the other end is telling you they have no idea what you're talking about, then PUT DOWN THE PHONE!! Or check the number that you dialled again. The whole world doesn't revolve around you, you know. :P

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