Monday 19 January 2009

Retail English

Do you realize how retailers talk to you sometimes when you go shopping? I don't mean about them being rude or using lousy English or stuff like that. I'm talking about the words they use. My friend commented on this yesterday when we were making the rounds at Mid Valley and the Gardens.

"Why do they say that?" he said as we walked out from a store.

"Say what?" I asked.

"Why do they say 'They don't carry something'? I mean, why 'carry'? I don't see them carrying any of the products. They only display them, so why 'carry'?"

I started pondering on that and realized that he's right. When we ask if they have something, why do they use the word 'carry'? Why not just say 'We don't have it'? Or how about 'We don't sell that'. I wonder who came out with that retail phrase.

Another retail phrase (well, not phrase exactly, more like a word) that salespeople like to use is 'Yes?' Can't you say 'Can I help you?'? Well, maybe it's too long to say all the time but still. Whenever someone comes out to me and asks 'Yes?', I always feel like saying 'No' while shaking my head. Hahahah!! Or how about replying, 'I didn't say anything'. Or maybe reply the 'Yes' with my own 'Yes'. Hehehe!!

I wonder if there are many more weird retail English. Hmmm, something to ponder on. :lol:

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