Saturday 16 May 2009

As I Sit Here...2

As I sit here, in my car, driving along the LPD, I can't help but wonder.....WHY DON'T MALAYSIANS USE THEIR BLOODY SIGNAL INDICATORS??!!

I simply don't get it. Is it that hard to move your hand to the indicator? Is it that far? Will the indicator shock you with a thousand volts of electricity? Will your car starts to transform into a dragon?

It seems that Malaysians are now telephatic, able to read the minds of their fellow drivers that they're going to swerve into the next lane or drive abruptly into a turning. Malaysians are now able to read people's car language just like how some people are able to read a person's body language. This is the discovery of a lifetime!! :-/

You know, since Malaysians don't use the indicators that much, or at all, why not just do away with them altogether? My boyfriend and I were talking about this very same topic a few days ago. Maybe the government should allow car buyers the choice of whether they want the indicators. They can save, what, maybe RM30 per indicator and our local car producers can save money on having to wire the signal lights. :silly:

And you know what's the most stupid thing? Most of the people who don't signal and drive like they own the roads are usually the ones who complain about other people's driving skills and road behaviour. :razzmad:

Ugh, look, people, it's really simple. When you need to change lanes or are turning into another road, pleaseeeeee, for God's sake, just click that indicator. It doesn't take any major amount of energy and the indicators are positioned to be within easy grasp. :struggle:

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