Saturday 6 June 2009

Mine, Yours or Ours?

When does your personal blog stop being your own? I've been having this problem recently, which kind of affected the frequency of my postings. I find that I am unable to blog about what I truly feel and instead am actually stopping myself from blogging because I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. It's difficult when your logical side to not offend anyone interrupts your emotional need to write out your frustrations.

Some people who start a personal blog usually want to talk about what they did, how they feel, anything and everything personal about themselves. It's kind of like an online diary where you can vent your frustrations and share your experiences. There's no point calling it a 'personal blog' if you limit yourself to things that you think people won't find offensive or get hurt while reading.

Look, the world is HUGE, filled with so many different people. You can say that Harry Potter is stupid and offend numerous fans, and you can even say Harry Potter is great and tick off the people who view magic as the devil's craft. No matter what you say or write, no matter how tactful you try to be, there will be times when you will unknowingly (or knowingly, whichever you please) piss someone off.

Malays have this saying that goes along the lines of, "Siapa yang makan cili akan rasa kepedasannya", which directly translates to "Whoever eats the chilli will taste its spiciness." No, it's not a chilli-eating contest or whatnot. It means that those who have done something wrong will usually feel the brunt of their wrongfulness. This saying usually applies to people who feel offended when someone makes a general comment and he/she feels that it's regarding them.

For example, I can simply say, "I don't understand why smokers are so inconsiderate" and my friend could get all riled up, thinking that I meant him/her because he/she smokes and he/she likes to puff up in front of me. These are the type of people who can get upset at every little thing you say or write, even though you are talking about someone totally different, because they think it sounds like you're talking about them. And sometimes it's because of people like this that some bloggers start to re-think about what they want to write so as to avoid such problems.

I want to let my frustrations loose. I want to show my anger through my writing. I want to have the freedom to write about my annoyances and about people who take advantage of me and whatever else I feel because heck, this is my blog. I pay for the domain, I take the time to ensure the webpage is maintained and so I should be able to write whatever I want in my blog. And I'm gonna start doing that right now!!!..........maybe. Or maybe tomorrow. Hmmmmm, you know what, let me sleep on it and I'll get back to you. :blush:

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