Monday 22 June 2009

A School Story 2

Here's a school story that I don't remember but my high school friends do.

One day, four of us decided to walk to Subang Parade to meet up with some friends. Keiko was terribly tired and lagged behind slightly with Dyna while Michelle and I was up front. The walkway we were on was just opposite Subang Parade, where a stall was selling 'pisang goreng' (fried banana) nearby a huge drain.

Being in front, Michelle and I were not aware of what was happening but as Dyna and Keiko remember it, it went like this.

Keiko, being tired, was not obvious to her surroundings and simply walked on, not even noticing that she has somehow walked right into the drain path and fell into it. Standing in the drain, with only her head sticking slightly out, she wondered why her view has gotten distorted and puzzled over why she could only see legs. She stared for awhile, still standing in the drain, before it finally registered in her head that people were laughing and that she had somehow fallen in without even realizing it.

Pity her, as she tried to climb out by herself, the rest of us were too busy laughing to help. :rotfl:

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