Tuesday 3 February 2009

Plugin Confusion

ARGGGGHHHH!!! My head is going to explode!! :cry:

You have no idea how many plugins for Wordpress I have viewed and installed into my blog.....with a 90% failure rate! Uwaaaahhhhh!!!

I don't get why it's so hard. I mean, I search for what I need and then just install what I think suits best, right? WRONG!! I tell you, I didn't know how hard installing plugins could be.

First, there's the sheer number of plugins available. Then when you finally find one that you think you can work with, something goes wrong. Sometimes the plugins is not compatible with your Wordpress version, alrite, that's fine, let's just go on with the next one. Then some plugins won't install, saying that there's a failure or it needs an API. Fine, next one. Then there are some that just doesn't work, so delete it and go on with yet another one. Then there are those plugins that you think will work fine but turns out to be totally not what you were looking for.

Sigh. :-?

I think after hours and days of searching for the right plugins, I finally found one that seems good enough, buuuuuuut.....we'll see. Oh, by the way, because of the numerous plugins that I'm been installing and deleting, you can see that my other pages are still under construction. Sorry. ;-)

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