Monday 9 February 2009

'Can You Do Me A Favour?'

* Warning: Cursing is now in session with lots of exclamation points.

Sometimes I have to wonder...why do we do favours? I'm not talking about party favours, such as those gifts you give out at the end of a wedding or bridal shower. I'm talking about errands or helpful things we do for other people. Aside from gratitude and appreciation, what else do you get for it? Is it worth going out of your way for other people? I'm not saying that we should get payment in any form for doing favours, but it doesn't hurt if the people who ask you to help them out would be more appreciative towards you or refrain from stepping on your head.

Back in the past, I used to love helping people; my friends, my family, whoever that needed me. But, perhaps, as you grow older, you experience more unsavoury people and situations, which makes you more jaded and less inclined to be helpful. It is rare nowadays to find someone who asks you for help because they truly need it, not because they're too lazy or they don't feel like it. It is also rare to find someone who asks for your help and is really grateful for the assist, instead of thinking, "Oh, I can always ask this person to do it for me next time."

I have a few people who constantly ask me for something. "Can you send me here?" "Can you book this for me?" "Can you go and buy this for me?" "Can you check this for me?" It's a constant flow of, what I would call, 'considerate demand', which means demanding for something but putting it in a polite context to fool the person into thinking that you're asking for a favour instead of forcing for a favour. It got to the point that I started avoiding these people's calls and SMSes. I just couldn't take it anymore. Look, you, I am not your bloody driver, nor am I your servant, your errand-girl or your secretary.

I don't mind 'helping' you out but you're asking for waaaaayyyy too much and at the same time, you treat me like dirt.

(1) You make me wait for you for an hour (!!) while you choose your outfit and make-up when I'm doing you a favour by accompanying and driving you somewhere at your request. I arrive at the appointed time agreed by both parties and you're still not ready!!

(2) You ask me to run an errand, which you yourself volunteered to do and had lots of time to do it!! But, nooooo, you were too busy hanging out with your friends everyday, every free time, until it got to almost the last minute, at which you decided to call me and bombard me with lots of stupid excuses.

(3) You call me to fetch something you left at a shopping mall, even though I'm totally far away from said shopping mall, and try your best to cajole me and guilt me into going all that way for you. This one didn't succeed, thank God for my common sense.

(4) You make me come all the way to an appointed place for an outing only for you to cancel out on me after I've arrived. Hello, there's something called the telephone. At least call me before I arrive at the place so that I may change my destination. Next time you do this, I'm going to demand you pay for my petrol. I'm not some damn free person whose life revolves around you!!

(5) You pass on your responsibility as a family member to me because it's too far or you're too lazy to fetch or send someone from your family somewhere. They are your family. Stop being so selfish, thoughtless and inconsiderate all the time!! Grow up and take on some responsibilities, for God's sake.

(6) You want me to send you to a place with the excuse that you don't know the area. Hey, here's an idea, look at a bloody map!! Some of those places you want to go, I don't know the area either but at least I took the effort to look it up.

(7) You assume that I will be driving, even though you have your own car and your own valid driver's license. I am not the designated driver. We ALL have cars, at least take turns to drive. You don't even offer to pay for my petrol or even to treat me to a drink or something.

There are SO many things you guys have done to make me scream bloody murder at you but I still hold my peace. Do not go on until I finally snap!! And no, you may think you're playing the 'person-in-distress' card but in actuality, you're more of an 'opportunist'. I don't like to ask people for favours because I don't like to bother people, and now I'm starting to hate doing favours as well because of how these people treated me. You know, instead of  being like Jim Carey who keeps saying 'yes' to everything in the movie, 'Yes Man', I'm going to be the 'No Lady' or the 'We'll See Girl'. Everytime someone asks me for something, it'll be 'No' and 'We'll see'. :twisted:

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