Sunday 1 February 2009

Toilet Humour Part 2

Back in 12th December 2008, I shared my first story, titled Toilet Humour, of being locked in a toilet. Well, it doesn't end there. Here's another 'toilet humour' to share with you.

One night, my step-mother's nephew decided to sleep over at her house. They let him sleep in the guest bedroom, which was on the ground floor, away from the living room and the stairs that lead to the upstairs bedrooms. He had unpacked his bag and was about to go to bed when he needed to answer the 'call of nature'.

Now, here's something you need to know about the guest bathroom. The bathroom has two doors; one adjoint with the bedroom and the other to the music room, which is right beside the guest room. Both doors have lock-knobs that enable a person to lock the toilet door from outside and inside the bathroom. Do not ask me who is the genius behind this crazy doorlock system.

So, this nephew apparently went into the bathroom from the music room (I have no idea why) and was ignorant of the fact that the other toilet door was locked from inside his bedroom, so he couldn't get out that way. He had to get out the same way he got in. step-mother went through her nightly ritual of checking the locks on doors and windows, and unknowingly pulled the lock-knob of the music room's toilet door, therefore imprisoning her nephew in the toilet.

By the time the nephew realized he was locked in the bathroom, everyone else had gone upstairs. He knocked, he yelled, he knocked some more, but still no help arrived. He couldn't even call the house or his aunt because he had left his handphone on his bed in the bedroom, and what more, the windows were high up the wall and barred.

In the end, he resigned himself to sleeping in the bathtub, all the way from before midnight to just before dawn when the maid awoke and rescued him as she was going about her morning cleaning duties. You can be sure that he'll have a phobia with his aunt's toilet after this event. :lol:

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