Wednesday 4 February 2009

The Disbelief in the Belief of Mystic Arts

Ok, first up, what are mystic arts? Well, in my personal opinion, mystic arts consist of tarot cards, runes, psychic readings, basically all those involving the supernatural and holistic healings. So why am I bringing this subject up? Well, for the past few weeks, I've been bringing out my deck of tarot cards alot. Yes, I do tarot readings, and before you get into the all 'I don't believe in this crap' jazz, let me tell you my side of the story first.

Now, let's get this straight. I do not believe that people can tell the future precisely or accurately. I do not believe that there are no choices in life. I do, however, believe that some mystic arts can help to guide you through life. I don't tell people that I do this stuff or even read about them because the face that they make is simply something I do not wish to see. If looks could hurt, I would feel pain many times over. Just the other day, my friend was putting on a skeptical face at the mere sight of my cards. That's fine, I mean, after all, everyone has their own opinions and beliefs. I just mind people giving me crap over it, like my boyfriend did the other day. Boy, did I snap at him.

The problem comes when people start comparing what you do or what you have done to other stuff. Example, I do tarot readings (for myself, mind you. I don't do much tarot readings for others) because I need some guidelines or just to feel better, but I do not go around my house putting up statues of prosperity from feng shui teachings. I do go for aura readings but I do not go and buy every single bracelet and charm to fix my aura. To me, going for tarot readings, researching the ancient runes, and reading about the supernatural is fun and interesting. I find that I enjoy the subject tremendously. I even love reading about the beliefs of the Red Indians of America.

Perhaps the reason why I'm so accepting towards these arts is because my family has had experiences with the supernatural in more than one occasion. I myself experienced my first ghost sighting when I was 14 years of age and have had a few more events later on in life. I'm not forcing anyone to believe that ghosts and spirits are real or that it is possible to have an out-of-body experience. Believe what you want to believe. But I am telling you that while you are allowed to say and believe whatever is comfortable with you, it is also fair for you to allow others of different views to say and believe whatever is comfortable to them.

The world is huge. There are still so much more we don't know about; the Bermuda Triangle, the much-talked-about Roswell UFO sighting, even new species of bugs. It's not possible to know everything about the world in one lifetime so.....keep an open mind. Please? :oops:

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