Saturday 21 February 2009

Another Year Cometh

Another year has arrived, and with it, another birthday. I don't know whether to be happy that I'm getting presents (and wishes, of course :lol: ) or be worried that I'm turning yet another year older 8O .

I'm starting to understand why some women out there are sensitive about their birthdays and their age. There are even some women who don't like to be reminded that it's their birthday. I'm thankful that I'm still in the frame of mind to be happy and excited about my coming-of-age day. But I can't help but be slightly worried when I think about my age.

I'm more than a quarter of a century old, and I am still single, still not on a stable income and.....hmmm, I guess those are the only things I'm worried about.  8)

Reading back the last time I wrote about my birthday (2 years ago in 2007), I seemed to see my birthday in a more hyper, humourous view than I do now. My blog entries in those days sounded much more angst, relaxed and fun too compared to the way I write now. Perhaps, as you age, you tend to get more serious-minded? :?:

People are now asking me what I want for my birthday, and truthfully, I have no idea what I want for my birthday. I mean, the one thing I really wanted was an iPod Nano, and I already bought myself one just a few weeks ago. There are a few things I wish for, though, but am uncertain whether it is actually possible to get those wishes answered. I'll just leave it up to God, I guess.

As I grow yet another year older, there are stuff I remember back in the past that I regret doing. Actually, no, I don't regret them because they happened for a reason and I think it's much better this way. It's more like, I'm sad that they had to happen but I'm also glad they did happen because I don't hurt as much as I did back then. I think I've regained the strength I lost a few years ago and have developed a much harder shell than the one I carried before. Many have said that I am harsher now and more prone to anger, but it's better this way because now, people take me for granted less, they take less advantage of me, simply because they don't want to deal with me anymore. 8)

People have wondered if I'm lonely because I'm losing friends. No, I'm not. I'm perfectly content with those I have in my life now. There are always reasons behind everything I do, and there are good reasons behind my actions; whether it's good for me or for others, it depends. Whatever it is, though, one thing I have learnt in the last 2 years alone is 'think of yourself first, put yourself first'. I used to think it sounded selfish, but now I know that it's actually for your own good, for your own well-being.

Okie, enough of this doom and gloom. Let's turn up the energy abit.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="189" caption="Pisces Rules!! <>"]Pisces Rules!! from[/caption]

The Pisces is conquering the year at the moment!!! I always wonder why they paint us Pisces in such a dreamy, wishy-washy attitude. I mean, sometimes we're not that dreamy, we're actually quite stern and stubborn at times. :) I used to love reading the description of my astrological sign, but nowadays, I kinda laugh at them because, well, I used to be like that, but I no longer am.

Like this one at the bottom. I think most of it is right, I mean, at least it kinda describes me better than most of the ones I've read before. The most accurate one is the weirdness. Yes, incase you don't know it yet, I am totally extremely weird, in many sense of the word. :D I'm not popular though and I'm certainly not the center of attention (I try not to be in the center of attention, I get shy :oops: ). I find the 'hard to keep' part quite true as recent events has shown that I am actually quite unforgiving towards certain people and am prone to totally cut off all contacts and connections with those I no longer want to have in my life and those I see as 'poison friends', which is why I think as you get older, your friend-list gets shorter as you weed out some names. The 'always get what he/she wants'.....we~ll, that's kinda true, hehehehe!! Can I help it if I'm spoiled? :D

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="462" caption="Pisces description from"]From[/caption]

I love being a Pisces though. I find the sign to be quite special compared to the rest, or maybe I'm just being bias. :P Anyway, I'm not sure what to do today so I'm just going to enjoy my day of birth by hanging out with some close friends. To all those who have sent me wishes (and pressies!!), thank you very much, honto ni arigatou gozaimasu!!

Bring on the new older me!!!! Tanjoubi omedetou!!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!!!

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