Friday 13 March 2009

Food Review: Belicious

The news have been abuzzing with Umie Aida's restaurant-cum-boutique, Belicious, at Emerald Plaza, Damansara Perdana. Being a regular patron of the Damansara Perdana area, I've seen it as I go about my days when they first opened but have never tried it. Not until my friend (a HUGE fan of Umie Aida) urged me to try their food a month ago.

[caption id="attachment_779" align="alignleft" width="192" caption="Belicious"]Belicious[/caption]

With a choice of both Asian and Western food, Belicious offers appetizers, snack food and main courses accompanied by an assortment of drinks. Their menu has improved much since they first opened, adding new dishes to their earlier line-ups. The price, though, has gone up slightly with the new selection.

The portion of the food is quite good, giving you just the right amount to fill up your stomach. The drinks are quite adequately sized as well, not too much and not too little. You can say that the quality and quantity of the food is well-matched with its price. The presentation of the food is also taken into consideration with most of the dishes served on heart-shaped white plates.

[caption id="attachment_782" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Sizzling Yee Mee. The steam is making the photo all blurry."]Sizzling Yee Mee. The steam is making the photo all blurry.[/caption]

I've tasted Belicious's pasta before (I love pasta) and I can say that it's quite good. But the new dish I tried, Sizzling Yee Mee, has an excellent broth! The thick sauce literally drowns the mee with generous portions of chicken pieces and mushrooms, all gathered in a hot clay pot. Be warned though as this dish takes awhile to reach you so if you're really hungry, I advise you to go for another, much quicker selection.

[caption id="attachment_784" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Singapore Fried Kuey Teow"]Singapore Fried Kuey Teow[/caption]

Another dish you can try is the Kuey Teow Goreng Singapore (Singapore-style Fried Kuey Teow), which is my friend's favourite food at Belicious.  Simple fried kuey teow noodles, it's cooked with eggs and bits of seafood, such as prawns, mixed with carrots and vegetables. It's served with cili padi (green chillies) for those who want it spicier than its original seasoned taste.

[caption id="attachment_789" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Teh Tarik"]Teh Tarik[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_790" align="alignright" width="101" caption="Ice Cold Chocolate"]Ice Cold Chocolate[/caption]

While I haven't had the opportunity to taste-test most of their drinks, I have to say that two of the drinks I like most are the Teh Tarik and the Chocolate drink. The Teh Tarik cup is huge!! I love holding it in my hands on a cold, rainy afternoon. The taste was just okay though, slightly more bitter than I usually have it. The Chocolate drink, on the other hand, is smooth, and it kind of reminds you of Cadbury's milk chocolate.

Of course, nowadays, a restaurant can't just rely on food alone and Belicious goes a step further from other eateries with not just their boutique but also with a big projector screen. Chill out and hang with some friends after work while catching up on the news, screaming at the latest football league tournament or shopping for new outfits. Being only half a shop, the boutique is not that large but it offers unique designs.

Now, here's the minus part of Belicious and I must say that although I have been there many times, I see no improvement on the most integral part of a restaurant: service. I am unsure whether the people who work there are related to Umie Aida in any way, but the waiters there are slow and at times, unfocused. Because they stay inside the enclosed shop most of the time, there are times when they do not even notice that new customers have arrived or that a customer needs something. You wave and call and you start to wonder whether they're ignoring you or they're too caught up in their own thoughts to notice you. I notice that they pay close attention to those that they themselves personally know or recognize, which is not good for the other customers and adds a snootty air to the atmosphere. Other than that, everything else is honky-dory.

If you're ever in the Emerald Plaza area of Damansara Perdana, take a load off and head on to Belicious. The parking in the area is very limited so double-park wherever you can but please, leave your number on the dashboard so the poor driver you blocked can at least contact you.

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