Sunday 22 March 2009

Money-Making Writing

You know, there are tons, and I mean, TONS, of blogs and articles on how to make money online and through blogging. Let me shatter your bubble here, I've written it before (Cleaning Up & Making Money) and I'm going to write it again; making money through online writing is really, really hard. No, it's not impossible, it's definitely do-able, but it's no piece of cake. And pgrundy has written one of the best blog article about this subject at 'How to Make Money Writing Online'.

There are alot of writers online and offline, all of them wanting that one break to penetrate the writing market and making oodles of money, just like their favourite author. I'm shameful, yet proud, to admit that I am one of them. No career is ever easy in this world, well, unless you count flipping burgers and sweeping the streets. But even those have their own ups and downs, such as servicing grumpy customers, working long hours, facing inconsiderate litterers and drivers, stuff like that.

pgrundy mentioned in her blog that one way to get your writing career started is to self-publish your work. She even has a list of big-time authors who started by self-publishing their writings. I have a college friend, who's very talented in writing, and he too had published his science fiction story in the US. He showed it to me but I never got a chance to read it. If you think it's vain to self-publish, well, honey, let me tell you that it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. If you're not going to toot your horn amidst all those other horn-tooters, then you're never going to get noticed. Have some confidence in yourself.

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