Sunday 8 March 2009

Socializing in Pet Society

My heart lifted in happiness as I opened the official-looking letter. I won 500 coins in today's lottery!! No, not a real lottery, the daily lottery in Pet Society. :D

When my friend first invited me to play Pet Society, I went in, took one look at it and promptly forgot all about it. Then, one day, as I was cleaning up my applications on Facebook, I saw the long-forgotten game and decided to just have a look-see.....and immediately got hooked on it.

screen-capture-2What's Pet Society? Designed by Playfish, it's actually a social game where you become a pet. Unfortunately, you are only able to play the game on Facebook, so join up if you want to play. :D You'll have a house and a neighbourhood complete with shops. So far, there's a Furniture store (to buy chairs and beds and such for your house), a Luxury store (more expensive goods), a Clothes store (to clothe your naked pet),a Food store (for your starving pet), a Stylist (for a whole new look), a Bank (to get more coins to buy stuff), a Stadium (for exercise and to win more coins), a Cafe (to find more friends), and a D.I.Y store (to style your own house in your own unique design).

You can add friends as well who play Pet Society and visit their houses to earn points and coins.

[caption id="attachment_734" align="alignright" width="273" caption="Your house & some parts of the neighbourhood"]screen-capture-1[/caption]

Now, other than socializing with your friends in a whole new environment, there's really nothing much to this game. The only thing I see people doing in Pet Society is buying the new furniture and clothes that come out every week, and having the chance to get a rare stuff from one of the mystery boxes in the Furniture store. The aim is to get more points to reach the high levels (and to increase the rooms in your house), and to earn as much coins as possible to buy stuff. Yep, that's it. Simple, right? ;)

At the moment, the highest level is Level 34, which takes more than 140,000 points to achieve. The maximum number of rooms for your house is currently 6, with 3 on the ground floor and 3 on the upper floor. Even though you can still earn points, your level will not increase, well, not until the Pet Society people does something about it.

[caption id="attachment_741" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Visiting friends"]Visiting friends[/caption]

Now, on to the most asked questions from everyone new to Pet Society: how do I earn more money? Let me tell you straight-up, although I know that there are cheats available online (WAIT!! DO NOT GO SEARCHING FOR THEM YET!), I have to tell you that Pet Society WILL ban you from playing the game should you be found cheating in any way. And yes, they will know, and the players themselves will know as well. It's not very hard to detect as cheaters tend to get too excited when 'gaining' coins and 'earning' points.

Now, this is how I earn money, and I earn quite alot.

  1. Enter Pet Society everyday. Each new day, you will get a lottery mail, which, depending on your luck, will earn you 50 coins, 100 coins or 500 coins. I managed to win 1,000 coins the other day (very rare!!). Do not be fooled into thinking that the lottery mail will pile up if you didn't visit your pet. The lottery mail will be replaced with a new one everyday should you not visit.

  2. Visit each friend everyday. Each new visit will earn you 20 coins and 5 points. Every other visit on that day will just earn you 5 points.

  3. Brush and clean all your friends. Brushing will earn you 2 coins and 7 points while cleaning will earn you 2 coins and 6 points. Please keep in mind that there are times when you won't earn coins or points. This is normal.

  4. If you have the money, buy food and feed your friends. Each feed will earn you 2 coins and 17 points. Don't buy expensive food, just those 5 coins fruit will work. Even if you feed your friend a pizza that costs 20 coins, you'll still only earn 2 coins and 17 points.

  5. Brush and clean your own pet. Same as your friends, you will earn 2 coins and 7 points for brushing and 2 coins and 6 points for washing. What some people don't notice is even if your pet's hygienic and happiness level are high, you can still brush and clean them, and still earn coins and points. My record for brushing, so far, is a straight, non-stop 24 coins. *Update: It seems Pet Society has disabled this money-making-method after its latest upgrade. I have not managed to get any coins when my pet's happiness and cleanliness bar are full.

  6. Run through the trees in your neighbourhood. When you pass through a tree, you may be lucky enough to earn 1 coin from each selected trees. Everytime you enter a house or store and you re-enter the neighbourhood, run through the trees again to earn coins. I get an average of 12 coins whenever I 'bang' the trees.

  7. Everytime your level increase, you will get 100 coins as a reward. So work hard for those points.

  8. Everytime you earn a Trophy (such as for playing softball or visiting friends), you will earn 100 coins. Playing the frisbee, jump rope and softball will earn you 1 coin at random times as you play.

  9. [caption id="attachment_743" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Hurdle-racing"]Hurdle-racing[/caption]

    Run the race at the Stadium everyday. Each day will give your pet 10 races. Each time you win a race, you will earn 30 coins and 20 points. If you get second, you'll earn only 10 points, no coins, and last place will earn you 5 points, no coins. If you just want to earn points, you can select 'practice' and earn 20 points each time you win. Here are some hints to the hurdle race:-

  • To ensure your pet successfully jumps over the hurdle, click on your pet just as it reaches the start of the hurdle's foot (that long dark grey thing on the floor).

  • If possible, click on ALL the banana peels on the track, yours and your friends. If you're lucky enough, you can earn 1 coin for each banana peel.

  • Once your pet is about to reach the middle of the speed-mat, click on your pet for maximum speed. When the mat turns green, it's the maximum speed, yellow means medium speed and red is usually unsuccessful.

There are other ways to earn points such as buying furniture and food (the more expensive the item, the more points you'll earn) or giving your friends a gift. You'll find out more as you play. :)

[caption id="attachment_748" align="alignright" width="274" caption="The Mystery Boxes"]The Mystery Boxes[/caption]

One trend that everyone who have money does it to buy those Mystery boxes in the Furniture shop, as I mentioned above. There are 3 mystery boxes; a 50-coin box, a 200-coin box and the whopping 500-coin box. The 50-coin one will get you mostly food, cheap furniture, some accessories and some rare clothes, such as Apron or Playfish t-shirts. The 200-coin box will get you pretty much the same things, but more expensive stuff. I usually get plants. If you're lucky, you can get a rare prize such as a toy (I got a black toy duck), but if you're really unlucky, you'll get really cheap stuff, like the Fragrant Hyacinth (a 50-coin cheap flower) I keep getting. The golden mystery box is the one you want. The stuff you get from there is sooooo rare; a grand chandelier, a piano, a rare mask, a rare carpet, the stuff is endless. But, again, this is only if your luck is good. If not, you'll still get cool stuff from time to time, or bad stuff that just makes you want to scream. :) For a list of items you can get from these boxes, check out

It can get kind of addictive so trust me when I say, play only when you have lots of time to spare. Have fun!!

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