Tuesday 24 March 2009

My Cat's 'New House'

I have a cat, Pablo (my ex-boyfriend named him), and he's one of the best cats I've ever had. He's kind of weird and very, very curious. Whenever there's an open bag or box, anything with an opening, he'll jump in and stay there for a while. I never understand cats' fascination with closed spaces.

Anyway, I bought Pablo a new litter box, one of those enclosed litter box with a flap door. I needed to make sure that he can fit through the flap so I took it out from the plastic bag to get him acquainted with it. Oh, he got acquainted with it, alright.

He liked it so much, he actually made it into a house. He just stayed in there, looking out through the transparent plastic walls at us. He even played inside it, chasing his tail round and round. It got to the point that he didn't want to come out. I thought maybe he didn't know how to get out through the flap so I took the flap out but he still stayed in there.

I finally had to let him get bored of the house on his own terms, which took about a week, before I could put his litter sand in. I was scared that he might actually sleep in the box even after that but thank God, he's smart enough to realize what the 'house' is supposed to be.

[caption id="attachment_1052" align="aligncenter" width="368" caption="His 'new house'"]His 'new house'[/caption]

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