Thursday 26 March 2009

Unexpected Best Friend

Tired and sweaty, I made my trek up the road, barely noticing the cars that passed me by. I was feeling kind of blank and lost at the same time, my thoughts jumbled up with past memories, all because of the song that popped up on my iPod. A romance ballad that used to be the ringtone for someone. The song was a personal favourite of mine but I haven't listened to it ever since the break-up. I just didn't want to deal with the images that I know it will definitely bring up.

When the song reached the second verse, I was feeling down and really felt like needing a friend. I looked up from my wonderings and there, standing right in front of me was a familiar sight that, hard to believe, lifted my saddened heart immediately. That pair of eyes I knew so well and never got tired of was staring straight at me and made my lips twitch into a slight smile. The standing posture seems like it was saying, "Hey, what are you waiting for? Come here." My pace quickened with new-found energy and just like that, my burden lifted itself off my shoulders and all was right again in my world.

A few feet away, I paused to admire the body attached to those wonderful eyes, a sense of pride filling in my chest. As I reached out a hand, I was thinking how amazing it is for just the sight of one familiar figure to be able to bring you out of your misery. You know how people say diamonds are a girl's best friend. Nope, no way is that true. Because for me, one of the best friends I have is a speedy little thing with slanted eyes and shiny body; my car. :D

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