Thursday 26 March 2009

A School Story

I don't know why but all of a sudden, an image popped into my head the other day that just made me burst out in laughter. Luckily, I was alone at that time but, eh, wait, if I laugh alone, by myself, does that make me crazy? 8O Anyway, it was an image I kind of recorded into my mind because it was so unexpected when it happened.

When I was in high school, I had class with this one guy, who I had a small crush on, and about four of his friends. They were all seated at the front of the class (because they were naughty and the class teacher wanted to keep an eye on them) while I was seated somewhere in the middle. Now, whenever we have a free period or in between classes, these boys like to hang out at the table just before the classroom door, which was also near the waste-basket.

One of my pens had just run out of ink and I was thinking to myself, "Ah, damn. I need to throw this away now." Too lazy to get out from my chair and walk to the front, I cleverly decided to just throw it in the direction of the waste-basket in the hopes that it will miraculously fall into the bin.

Taking aim, I flicked the pen like a throwing dagger and watched in mild horror as it sailed through the air  swerved slightly and hit one of my crush's friends right smack in the middle of his forehead. :oops:

At that time, they were all gathered around their usual table, telling jokes, and the boy I hit was laughing at something and abruptly stopped when the unforeseen object interrupted his fun. All of them stared dumbfounded at the 'victim' before turning around and noticing my gaping mouth. They then started pointing fingers at me and howled in laughter at the 'victim'.

I kept apologizing from my seat and the boy nonchalantly waved my apologies away and tried to resume the conversation. It would have seemed cool if it wasn't for his face turning bright red. :lol:

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