Thursday 19 March 2009

Socializing in Pet Society Part 2

This post is to update the earlier posting I wrote on Pet Society (Socializing in Pet Society on March 8th 2009). Since that time, the people of Pet Society has upgraded certain parts of the game, adding new stores and new items, as well as disabling certain methods of making money.

There are now two additional stores to the previous selection, the Mystery Store and the Gadget Store.

[caption id="attachment_851" align="alignleft" width="172" caption="Mystery Store"]Mystery Store[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_857" align="alignright" width="103" caption="Toy Mystery Egg Dispenser"]Toy Mystery Egg Dispenser[/caption]

The Mystery Boxes have now been moved to the Mystery Store and are accompanied by a new item, the Toy Mystery Egg dispenser. This dispenser sells you a toy egg which costs 350 coins each.

[caption id="attachment_864" align="alignright" width="59" caption="Toy Mystery Egg"]Toy Mystery Egg[/caption]

The egg will randomly give you a toy. So far, the toys that I have seen come out from the egg are unlike those we can get from the stores and from the Mystery Boxes. You can get toy vehicles like police cars and planes as well as a scenery background that moves when you click on it. These are the only things for sale in the Mystery Store so far but I have no doubt that the people of Pet Society will add more in times to come.

Update: Apparently, when you receive one of the background sceneries, like the one below, there are pieces that you need to get to complete the scenery. For example, the scenery below requires 4 additional pieces, one of them is a UFO. Drop the toy (a car, plane or other small toys) at the '?' and see whether it fits into the scenery. If it does, the scenery will accept the toy as part of it.

[caption id="attachment_861" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Example of Toy from the egg"]Example of Toy from the egg[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_878" align="aligncenter" width="228" caption="Toy with additional pieces. The police car is not part of it."]Toy with additional pieces.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_866" align="alignleft" width="136" caption="The Gadget Store"]The Gadget Store[/caption]

As for the Gadget Store, the items in there are just the electrical appliances that used to be in the Furniture store. At the time of this post, there are no new electrical items in the store.

As I have updated in my previous Pet Society post, the people of the game has disabled the money-making method of brushing and washing your pet when the bars are full. I have not been able to get any money once the bars have reached their limit. Also, I've noticed that there are times when you brush and wash the other pets, you only get 1 coin instead of the usual 2 coins. I'm unsure of the reason behind this inconsistency.

I'm glad that Pet Society has upgraded the game. I was getting kind of bored with it but it seems to be tougher to get money now. :(

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